Mi Portal del Empleado

by Aplifisa.com



📱 Mobile platform application: https://migestionlaboral.com The Employee Portal is an online tool that allows you to manage relationships between companies and workers: automatic registration of signings, creation of incidents, manage vacations or register data of companies and workers. What is the new Employee Portal? It allows to manage all internal communication and personnel management, in a single platform. ✅ Synchronize the recorded data. ✅ Automatic time control. ✅ Employee autonomy. ✅ Centralize internal communication. ✅ Improved productivity of administrative tasks. What can you do with this application? The Employee Portal facilitates the decentralization of the administrative tasks of the HR department, increasing the productivity of consulting and companies. ▶ ️ Mobile application for workers and companies. ▶ ️ Entry and exit signings, with Photography and signing area. ▶ ️ Creating requests and viewing their status. ▶ ️ Effective and intuitive platform. How can I receive more information and register with the application?Write us at [email protected]. ⚠️ MOBILE APP for users previously registered in "The Employee Portal" . Does not work independently.